
Saturday 23 February 2013

Tech Books worth reading

By Joe Grangers

Technology teaches us to forget the past. Last year's tech news seems like it has no use whatsoever. Thankfully, historians beg to differ, and they have begun to preserve the history of the tech industry as it becomes more and more important to the evolution of our lives and world.

On physical computing: "It is difficult today to realize how bold an innovation it was to introduce talk about paper tapes and patterns punched in them into discussions of the foundations of mathematics."-Max Newman. Long before computational systems-which is coming to mean all systems-long before such systems were virtual, Turing took the abstract, invisible conditions of mathematical logic and formalized it into the physical: first as text, then as mechanics, later as electrons.

Assuming the popularity of e-books continues to grow, will they eventually become young people's first choice when they read for fun? Or will children turn to print as an alternative to the online reading many of them are required to do for school?

Funny reading is awesome reading! Maybe your child is a class clown that wants to memorize every joke in the book to try out during lunchtime routines, or she just enjoys chuckling quietly in the comfort of your home. Joke books are a perfect way to turn reluctant reading into hilarious hobby. Here are a few to get started:

Literature always adapts to the most easy to understand state, and that state, now, is far more complex than our literature have addressed, or our mental models, our metaphors, have prepared us to be. They can't help it, but it doesn't mean the mystical silence is hand-waving: it is a necessary condition of the present.

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