
Sunday 3 June 2012

How to Create a Paladin Character in WOW

By Verena Hirose

Here it comes to the introduction of the Paladin class in World of Warcraft. The Paladin is one of the ten classes. These Paladins are holy a warrior. They are hybrid class. They have many abilities. If you want to be a Paladin in the World of Warcraft, you should learn more about this class. Only when you know more of this class you can perform better when you are in the battles. You should prepare everything for the battles.

The Warlock is probably the several classes. This class has something in common with the Hunter class. There can be certain differences between them. The Warlocks can enslave demons. It is just like the Hunters can tame beasts. What's more, the Warlock can call upon dark magic and curse to dominate their opponents. The cheap Wow gold is expected by most of the players.

Many players will suggest you to buy Wow gold on the internet. The characters are able to specialize their skills by assigning class talent points in any from the trees. Each class will have three talent trees. The druid can place their talent points in Restoration, Feral or Balance.

But the Warlocks are good at call dark magic and invite demons to work for them. The Warlocks sound more like evils. It is not a very good decision to buy Wow gold. Originally, the Warlocks are ranged magic damage dealers having a focus on damage over time. And they are also good at nukes and AOE. They are lack of burst damage capabilities. The mage class have a good ability of the burst damage.

The tree talent trees are Holy, Retribution and Protection. The paladins are no longer exclusive to the alliance after the released of the Burning Crusade. The Blood Elves which belongs to the Horde and also perform as a Paladin in the Burning Crusade. With the release of the Cataglysm Tauren are able to enjoy as a Paladin too. That means you can play as a tauren paladin or you can create a new combo without regard of the expansion pack you have.

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