
Friday 29 June 2012

Are you Secure with a Hosted Virtual Desktop?

By Eugene Lindenstrom

A way in which a lot of businesses around the UK are jumping forwards with their technology at the moment is to use a hosted virtual desktop system. In this model, you don't do the bulk of your processing through your individual computers, but a remote server, which is maintained or supplied by another company. Bandwidth currently holds a lot of companies back from making the leap into this better system, but as connections improve across the country it may well become the norm.

The reasons for this are simple in terms of business. It makes the running of your workplace a lot more time efficient, and it means you save a lot of money too The money aspect comes in with the reduced need to buy powerful hardware, or replace it after short periods of time. The server will keep up with the progress of technology for you, while your PCs become the 'thin-clients,' meaning they are interfaces with one large hub of power rather than needed to supply processing power themselves. Efficiently is improved because this model allows you to easily make changes across the whole network, and it also allows people to work remotely with ease.

As well as bandwidth issues, some businesses are held back by their fear of committing to a system that puts all of their computer power in the hands of one server. But in actual fact you're more secure than with a standard system. On a virtual desktop if the computers in your workplace fail none of your work is lost, and you can quickly continue working from any internet connection. Also if you're transferring files with email people may be able to hack in and see information, while with a virtual desktop these kinds of transfers are managed through a closed driver.

The server itself is safe from harm too. All data is backed up daily to prevent any problem if the server breaks, and the firewalls and SSL connection in place between your network and the server means it's virtually impenetrable.

Getting a virtual desktop system for you company could mean a leap ahead. It saves money, and it could help you run a tighter ship too.

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