
Wednesday 5 December 2012

The negative effects of Computer Technology on Our daily Life

By Dean Miller

Now a days , the computer technology industry is immediately growing and additionally changing. Computer technology has made our lives much simpler and simple . For illustration our banking needs. Issue, people wanted to manually file the important data of their customers; now that they just use a computer to uncover these info. In only one click, they would instantly get the name of the customer, the birth date, the home address, e-mail address, phone numbers and etc.

As for the clients of these banks, they may well easily get a quick look into their bank account balances by way of logging in to the bank's website; in addition to that a lot of people will apply for the loan with the pc.Students are generally even able to take their own examination trials or visit their grades by using the pc.

As far I realize computer technology has helped a whole lot of businesses to better serve town. But the computers haven't only served us in the business industry; it also has an effect on our connection systems.

Just before the pcs were given birth to, writing letters was the main source with communication, which be a really hassle especially to those people who lived in distant places; plus phones used to merely were quite expensive so people would basically prefer composing to themselves. And consequently people who are far away from civilization would obviously have a hard time communicating with others.

Today, we have e-mails, together with live chat or even voicemails. We now already have video calling in which we would be able to see anybody that we are talking to. This is really great for individuals that have family and friends that are stay abroad . Getting touching one another is right now simple.

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