
Tuesday 4 December 2012

What All Do You Already Know About the Android OS?

By Frank T. Newcrest

If you watch TV you've probably heard about the new Google phone. You know that there are Google phones available but you don?t know much beyond that. The Android Operating System is the primary OS used in Google's new "smart phone". The Google phone has few other similarities to most other phones.

As I've said before, this is the exact type of topic I like to talk about. You may have read the article about spy on text messages which is a great example!

We found one website that said Google didn't invent Android. We know that Google gets all of the current credit for these phones. Most people even think of them as "Google phones". From what we learned, however, the original creators of the Android OS are Rich Miner and Andy Rubin. It was actually invented in 2003 by these guys who then sold it to Google for a tidy profit. After Google bought the OS it sat on the system for a few years while Google developers worked on it more and get it prepared for use in mobile devices.

People who don't like their iPhone handsets are pretty much out of luck. If you aren't happy with your Blackberry headset you have a few options to choose from. If you decide that you don't like one of the handsets that uses the Android OS you have a lot of other options to choose from. If you want to have a lot of different choices you'll want to choose a Google phone. You will have these choices because all of the major phone manufacturers are starting to adopt the Android OS for their phones so, no matter what kind of handset you like, you'll find a Google phone that fits it.

So don't believe anyone who tells you that you can only use music if you have an iPhone.

It did not use to be hard to choose your next cell phone. Many people simply chose to take the free upgrade phone being offered by the cell phone provider. Now you are probably more likely to choose a cellular provider based on the types of phones it is selling. The good news is that it no longer matters what kind of smart phone you like--thanks to the Android OS you can have that phone no matter which cellular provider you want to use. Isn?t that just music to your ears?

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